Die Сasting

CJSC “SamZAS” produces moulds using pressure die casting machines of the following models: 711A07, 711A08, 711I09, Toshiba DC500, CLOO250, and CLOO160. As for the burden material, we are using aluminium alloys produced by our factory.
The competitiveness and the high quality of our products are achieved primarily due to our exploratory development, aimed at mastering new alloys according to customers’ specifications.
The factory is certified by ISO 9001:2008 (accredited by KEMA and IQNet), certificate registration number: 2022720.
CJSC “SamZAS” has an accredited laboratory of spectral analysis and physico-mechanical testing of non-ferrous metals and alloys (certificate №29/24-111). It can identify the chemistry composition of casting alloys, melting scrap and non-ferrous waste with accuracy requirements and according to the certification. The laboratory has modern domestic and foreign equipment.