443022, Россия, г.Самара, ул.22 Партсъезда, 10 А

+7(987)446-74-94 samzas1@mail.ru


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The factory is certified by ISO 9001:2008   (accredited by KEMA and IQNet).

The production is equipped with all necessary machinery that allows to produce secondary aluminium alloys conforming to the requirements of GOST (State Standard) 1583-93, to the additional customers demand in the form of ingots (15-18 kg), and a wide variety of castings for machine-building plants in Russia and the former countries of the USSR (foreign countries that lay nearby).

CJSC "SamZAS" has an accredited laboratory of spectral analysis and physico-mechanical testing of non-ferrous metals and alloys (certificate №29/24-111). It can identify the chemistry composition of casting alloys, melting scrap and non-ferrous waste with accuracy requirements and according to the certification. The laboratory has modern domestic and foreign equipment.